Quem parte e reparte e não fica com a melhor parte, ou é tolo ou não percebe da arte.

“os ordenados do primeiro-ministro e dos ministros sobem 6,1 por cento este ano, quatro vezes superior ao aumento de 1,5 por cento proposto pelo Governo para a Função Pública”

The Prime Minister decided for a payrise of 1,5% for civil servants, but of 6% for him and his Ministers. Shame on you, mister prime minister.

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Posted by Carlos Manta Oliveira on segunda-feira, outubro 23, 2006
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Your Hidden Talent

You are both very knowledgeable and creative.
You tend to be full of new ideas and potential - big potential.
Ideas like yours could change the world, if you build them.
As long as you don't stop working on your dreams, you'll get there.

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Posted by Carlos Manta Oliveira on quarta-feira, outubro 18, 2006
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Uma oferta sem dúvida que louca, mas que uma empresa anuncia ter descoberto como produzir. Não descrevem a tecnologia, mas será interessante seguir o assunto para saber do que falam. Em breve prometem testar a tecnologia, contra teste definidos por um comité científico.

What a wild proposition. Mad, but company Steorn announces the can produce energy out of... nothing. It sounds ridiculous, but as they announce they will put it to an external test soon, at least I am curious to find out about what this is about.

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Posted by Carlos Manta Oliveira on quinta-feira, outubro 12, 2006
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Posted by Carlos Manta Oliveira on sexta-feira, outubro 06, 2006
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Porque razão param as células de se multiplicar? E porque razão às vezes se multiplicam sem controle (cancro)? O que faz variar essa taxa de multiplicação ou replicação? Uma descoberta recente traz nova luz sobre esta questão vital e pode abrir rumo a melhores respostas e compreensão do ciclo celular.

Why do cells multiply? And why at different rates? Why do they stop multiplying (die)? And why do they multiply to fast (cancer)? The article below sheds new light and maybe some answers on this extremely important questions.
Interistingly I have had a similar suggestion, that some RNA could act has a counter or a register, based on how computer code works, which is actually not so far off...

A switch between life and death from PhysOrg.com

Cells in an embryo divide at an amazing rate to build a whole body, but this growth needs to be controlled. Otherwise the result may be defects in embryonic development or cancer in adults. Controlling growth requires that some cells divide while others die; their fates are determined by signals that are passed from molecule to molecule within the cell. Researchers at the European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL) in Heidelberg have now discovered how one of these signaling pathways controls the life and death of cells in the fruit fly. [...]

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Posted by Carlos Manta Oliveira on quarta-feira, outubro 04, 2006
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Esta é uma excelente notícia para todos os que acreditam no ITER e, segundo esses, para o nosso planeta. A China conseguiu por o Tokamak que construiu recentemente já em funcionamento. Este é mais um passo em frente na obtenção de energia realmente limpa, também chamada de "Sol Artificial"

China has done it! After recently completing the construction of their Tokamak reactor, they already managed to set it in operation. This is another step forward to those who believe in "artificial sun" technology and, according to those, to the future of our planet.

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Posted by Carlos Manta Oliveira on segunda-feira, outubro 02, 2006
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