
Imaginem só uma revista que pudessem receber em casa, no correio, gratuitamente. Entregue na sexta-feira, para poderem folhear durante o fim-de-semana. Nada de novo, certo?

Agora imaginem que nessa revista só há temas do vosso interesse, só assuntos que vos dizem respeito, e nada de palha, nem informação sem interesse. Imaginem ainda que esse revista é totalmente gratuita, e que a publicidade que a paga é apenas daquelas lojas a que vocês costumam ir, e sobre produtos ou serviços que realmente vos interessam.

Ora bem, conhecendo a Google, e reflectindo sobre as publicações gratuitas que invadem as ruas, essa realidade pode até nem estar muito longe, pelo menos em certos mercados.

Just imagine a magazine you receive on a Friday on your mailbox, which you can browse through and read over the weekend. Nothing new, right?

Now imagine this magazine only has article that are relevant and interesting, and that you don't skip through any. And that all the adds are from shops you usually go to or from products you are actually interested on, and these adds pay for the magazine you receive at home.

Knowing Google, this reality might not be that far away...

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Posted by Carlos Manta Oliveira on terça-feira, novembro 20, 2007


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Posted by Carlos Manta Oliveira on segunda-feira, novembro 19, 2007

Google has just announced Android. There will be no Gphone, Google has rather done something even more ambitious. They released a mobile operating system for mobile phones. It covers all basic phone functions such as calling and phone book, but also locates addresses on a map, and has a graphical capabilty to run applications such as Google Earth and Doom (openGL implementation).

They also announced a prize of 10 million $ for the best applications developed for the platform. Curiously they have said nothing about real advanced features such as GPS integration or payment, maybe they should have a look at what is going on on countries like the Netherlands. People there can pay the parking meter by sending an sms, and use GPS integration to locate the nearest on-duty pharmacy.

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Posted by Carlos Manta Oliveira on domingo, novembro 18, 2007


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Posted by Carlos Manta Oliveira on sexta-feira, novembro 16, 2007

Right click on my computer, click on manage then go to disk management.
Right click on the the storage device you're wanting to modify and
there will be an option to change the drive letter.

That simple!

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Posted by Carlos Manta Oliveira on quinta-feira, novembro 15, 2007
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Saiu na imprensa notícia de fogos espontâneos em Itália, e de sua investigação por parte do cientistas. A novidade é que foi encontrada emissão na banda dos microondas que inicia a combustão, mas a fonte continua por explicar.

Some reported mysterious spontaneous fires were investigated in Italy. Cientists found microwave radiation on a specific band that triggers the ignition, but failed to identify the source.

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Posted by Carlos Manta Oliveira on quarta-feira, novembro 14, 2007
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