Sim, falo do “The Lost Symbol”, o último livro de Dan Brown, que certamente será um Bestseller. Mas será que o merece?
Deixo mais em baixo o meu resumo do livro, mas em suma a resposta é “sim, mesmo muito”. Mais um livro dentro da mesma “receita”, mas ainda assim com viragens imprevisíveis (sim, o Anjos e Demónios pode desapontar quem leu o Código Da Vinci, mas não se esqueçam que foi escrito mais cedo). A postura mais filosófica e conciliadora em relação à fé e religiões, ainda que com todas as sociedades secretas e conspirações é o outro aspecto que sublinho.
Não posso deixar de vos recomendar esta crónica de Carlos Fiolhais sobre a Maçonaria em Lisboa. E porque não Portugal como cenário para um próximo tomo das aventuras de Robert Langdon, em que o “nosso” Marquês de Pombal e suas ligações à Maçonaria seriam o centro da história? Afinal, a reconstrução de Lisboa e a edificação de Washington não distam assim tanto no tempo…
Below is a summary of my opinion regarding Dan Brown’s latest book, The Lost Symbol. Who knows if Robert Langdon will visit Portugal next? After all, “Marquês do Pombal”, the responsible person for rebuilding Lisbon after the earthquake in 1755 had strong links to the Masons…
My rating: 5 of 5 stars Yet another adventure with Robert Langdon. Dis Dan Brown repeat his "unpageturnestoppable" successes? Oh yes, he did. The style is much the same, short chapters, parallel intersecting story-lines, conspiracy, secret societies. Again, great description of geography that make you want to travel and go to see all those places by ourself, and verify all the details described. Haven't we seen all that before? A common misconception is that Angels & Demons is a sequel to the Da Vinci Code, which does not live up to the predecessor. Actually it was written a few years before Dan Brown's best seller, and this is actually the first book published afterwards. Yes, secret societies and religion are among the elements of the thick plot, but my surprise was the strong conciliating tone of the whole book towards religion, faith and "religions". If the first books were more mathematical, influence of Dan Brown's father, perhaps, this last piece is much more philosophical. It reminds me of Einstein's career path, which not surprisingly is often quoted throughout the book. I was still surprised with most plot twists. And if Angels & Demons was somehow predictable to those who had read The Da Vinci Code, definitely not the case here. Further the constant presence of high-tech gadgets kept the story more appealing, rather than that of classicals. I wonder what people in 10 years time will think of those. The only bitter taste I got from this book? - It is kind of a spoiler, don't read any further if you haven't read the book yet - the ending. View all my reviews >>
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